Friday, May 30, 2008

Slowly makin head way...

Hey everybody, I'm only a year behind on my pictures now! We're all the way up to Morocco now, well, Bilbao,Spain actually. That last one of the giant green dog was taken outside the Guggenheim. So we just have Paris and London left, and our European Odyssey comes to end! Then we only have the last of my time in Barrow and the hundreds of pictures I've taken since we arrived back in Toronto last June!
But hey, we have all the time in the world. We'll get there. They say patience is a virtue, and if anyone is still checking in, reading the tripe I write here, then you were obviously blessed with an abundance of it, so we're alright, and I thank you.
And just so you know, there are some great photos to come. With a varied cast of characters that include Nic, Dave, Tom, Ryan Mack and a host of others. I got some sweet shots of randoms too. Always entertaining.
As for me, I'm alright. Just back from our trek across Canada, and my first visit home in thirteen years. It was wonderful. And I miss it deep down in my bones. We rode the train coast to coast in a roundabout kind of way. Halifax to Toronto then Vancouver to Toronto. The second part of the journey being much more enjoyable than the first. Oddly enough a 27 hour train ride isn't that much fun when you have severe diarrhea. Who knew? Incidentally I don't have many pictures of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario.
What else? Ummm? Seattle was nice but full of transients, Victoria was as beautiful as ever and Vancouver wasn't as nice as I remembered it. My Canadiens fell into their old patterns and choked in the play offs, Liverpool lost a heart breaker to Chelsea, I'm back at work dealing with the scum of Toronto on a daily basis, I think I've lost a few pounds, I just got the beautiful new Liverpool shirt for my birthday from Nic's very thoughtful and generous brother Mark. It fits like a glove. I recently discovered a cd by this bluesman called Johnny Shines that blew my mind. I'm itchin to put together some new mixed cd's for various friends. Its finally summertime in Toronto. I love early summer in Toronto. Ummmm? Oh yeah, and I finally finished Dave Eggers masterpiece What is the What. It should be put on the curriculum in every school in the western world.
Uhhh? Yeah, I've run out time and of things to say so I'll leave it at that.

Hope your all healthy and happy.

Talk soon.

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