Saturday, August 12, 2006

Death from Above call it a night.

Its official,Death from Above 1979 have called it quits. What a sad day for Canadian music,specifically,but all music in general really. They were the most exciting band in the last ten, maybe even 15 years. They made one album that is simply perfect from start to finish, an album that somehow bashes your brain to jelly while making you dance and smile and scream and laugh all at the sametime. Your a woman I'm a machine brings a sledge hammer to all other hard music and will stand the test of time. In fifty years I'll be seventy-seven and that album will still be on my stereo.
In a way its great that they split before they risked tainting their legacy and legendary reputation. Now we will only have good memories of Death from Above. That one perfect album cover (with the elephant trunks) to warm us when we're angry and want to dance. Unlike so many other bands we loved but were forced to watch slowly disintegrate over many years. Bands that produced weaker and weaker music as they aged. I'd start naming em but we all know the list is never ending.
So anyway,I'd just like to thank Sebastian Grainger and Jesse Keeler for giving us so much in such a short span of time. I had the pleasure of seeing them live twice, once at Leeds Festival where Sebastian kicked a guy in the head for grabbing his balls while he was crowd surfing, and once at the Opera House in Toronto,where Sebastian berated a guy who yelled out why did you cut your hair? It was very funny. He said its just hair you asshole,why do you care?Look at you anyway, you longhaired f*%$, you get up in the morning to go to work and it takes you forever cause of all that hair. Look at the dude beside you with the shaved head. He gets to work way faster cause he's more aerodynamic,you motherfu**er. They also never had any security at their shows either. Just them and the crowd. As you proably suspect their live shows were friggin phenomenal.
A couple of other amusing sidenotes,Sebastian also sent a letter to the NME(the worst music magazine in creation) stating how much he hates the current british music scene, and the current bands ie, Razorlight, Kaiser chiefs and the like, because they're all so bland. He went on to say current british music fans were cu**ts. But my favourite dfa79 story was when James Murphy, man behind LCD soundsystem and the head of Death from above records forced Death from Above to change their name,hence the 1979. Sebastian sent a statement to all the papers stating "James Murphy is a useless piece of fu*k. If I had the resources I'd fly a plane into his skull." Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Unapolgetically antagonistic. And with the metal to back it up.
So yeah, thanks for everything. And please check out the dfa79 link to the right and read it in Jesse Keelers own words.
Another sad day for music.

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