Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just had to write something, get some words outta my head.

So...its teaming rain outside. The kind of rain that soaks you right through. Down to your bones. I'm still reading Tom Waits collected interviews. Its captivating. He's never written an auto- biography, and he's notoriously evasive in interviews, frequently telling tall tales about his past. So this book is the closest you can get to the man behind the myth. All you can do is read, listen to him in these interviews and read between the lines. If you read real careful you can catch a glimpse of him here and there.
I bought some books yesterday in Ulverston, a small village outside of Barrow. I got Charles Bukowskis' first book, Post Office. I was reading it later in Poppies Cafe, enjoying a extra strength cappachino. I took a swig, swirled it around in my mouth and somehow a big stream of coffee squirted out of my mouth, landing right smack in the middle of my book. A little splashed onto the crotch of my pants too. I glanced around real quick expecting to see people starring at me and my stupidity but no one had noticed. That or they hid it well. I sat there thinking what the f was that all about? Then had to make my way home with a big yellow coffee stain on my crotch. The book is great though. Funny and honest and sad.
There's a great poem by Bukowski in my Tom Waits book, its full of great lines but here's one of my favourites: "the grace is being able to like rock music, symphony music, jazz...anything that contains the original energy of joy." The poems called One for the shoeshine man.
The front page of the Independent yesterday had a huge picture of a mother gorilla with her new born baby. The story was amazing. Two female gorillas, captured by hunters eleven years ago, were returned to the wild this year and each just gave birth to healthy babies. Only the second and third times that a previously captive Gorilla reproduced after being returned to their natural environment. So there's still hope for the gorillas yet, having faced extinction for so long. The picture was beautiful. Amazing. Even more amazing was a genuinely positive news story being on the front page of a newspaper, or there being a positive news story,period.
Thats all for now. I just wanted to talk for a minute.

bye bye

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