Everything in orange:
The city streets are empty aside from the man in the alley. Rain
beats down on his dead body, soaking his brown suit, washing his
red blood away down the black gutter. His eyes are open.
A small knife was thrust between his ribs just below his left armpit.
The blade penetrated his heart and he died instantly. The man with
the dark hood covering his head and face didn't know the victim, just
reached down, took his wallet and walked on down to the street and away.
Back at home the days mail lies scattered just inside the front door. The
lights are off and a slender orange cat sits on the window sill staring
down at the street.
The cat, whom the victim had named Samson, just stares and stares.
Samson knows his owner isn't coming home tonight.
Cue the sun. A man sails the length of the ocean,driven, with something
to prove to no one but himself. He's lean and grey. The waves batter him
but they'll break before he does. He screams into the night sky and the gods
hear him.
The man knows this and sits down, calm, in the middle of the storm, to await
an answer.
He thinks about his wife and his cat and Christopher Columbus.
Journal excerpt:
Tom Waits is on the stereo again. He's bellowing "Hoist that rag!" Bang!Bang!
"Hoist that rag!" The sky outside is blue. I was in the shower about twenty minutes
ago. I was standing there, under the water, when I glanced down and saw, on the side
of the bathtub, a small bug trying to crawl out of a drop of water. He was trapped. I say
he but really have no idea. It may have been a she, if bugs even have sexes the way
humans do but I'm getting sidetracked. The bug managed to break free only to walk right smack into another one. I felt bad. Could this be an allegory for life?
I'm gonna go call my Mom.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
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